Book: Healing Is…Finding Yourself Again

An abstract image of a feminine face gazing to the right. Her head is halfway submerged in a sea, and her head morphs into a green and purple tree with a swirling root structure. Below the surface the roots continue to swirl and merge with the neck. The sky is lightly cloudy and the image is framed by mountains in the distance.
National Equity Project

Healing isn’t about forgetting what happened or even forgiving the person who gave you heartbreak. Healing isn’t about wearing a stupid half smile or chuckling the fake laugh.

Healing is something that only involves you.

Healing is forgiving yourself for everything…

for thinking that you did something wrong

for thinking you should’ve been smarter

for thinking that you were too stupid to see the signs

for thinking that you are less than

for believing the lies

for believing you didn’t have the confidence

for allowing yourself to be abused

for allowing yourself to fall in love

for allowing yourself to fall in love with the devil

for making excuses for them

for making excuses for their behavior

for lying about the bruises- visible and invisible

for pretending

for pretending

for pretending

for telling your children that the narcissists didn’t mean it

for telling yourself the same lie

for going back

for going back in time

for living in the past

for staying

for staying in the present

for pretending the present is ok, was ok, will be ok.

for enduring the heat of hell

for telling yourself that you’re ok

for telling others you’re ok

for telling your heart to take him back

for being angry about being the only fighter

for letting your guard down one time, two times, three times and then back to one

for just giving in to avoid the fight

for being too afraid to fight for your own life

for being too beaten down to see past the blood

for allowing the blood to dry

for feeling sad, lonely+ depressed

for feeling like you can’t

for feeling like you can’t contribute anything to the world

for letting them word slice you one more time

for taking it

Healing is not about what you allowed, believed, pretended or felt like.

Healing is rebalancing your center.

Healing is letting go of expectations and creating+accepting new ones of yourself- none of them

Healing is forgiving yourself

Healing is internal peace

Healing is a new+renewed strength

Healing is crystal clear clarity

Healing is open heart surgery

Healing is choosing peace when anxiety wants to scare you

Healing is silence

Healing is being bigger than the fear

Healing is trusting God

Healing is faith

Healing is love

Healing is knowing yourself again

Healing is finding yourself again

Listen to Fear + Healing Podcast Episode

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