Everyone is afraid of something but a lot of our personal fear (s) involves another human being and what that person might do to us.
The fear of public speaking is the number one fear among adults and you could be afraid to deliver it because of the narrative we imagine in our own heads of what the audience will think of us.

You may be afraid to leave the house because she might destroy your stuff. Afraid to leave the office five minutes early because the boss hasn’t left yet and we’re afraid of what that might look like to those watching. Afraid to correct our children when they’re doing wrong because they might hate us.
We give entirely too much control of our lives to other people and they don’t deserve that. Some enjoy the control and some may enjoy watching you be afraid and intimidated but how is that living fearlessly?

It can be exhausting reading quotes of encouragement on social media telling you to be fearless but no one tells you how. Fearlessness is accompanied with confidence and if we don’t possess the confidence to live fearlessly, then we will always decide to not do the thing that we need to do for ourselves.
Leaving five minutes early could give you the extra five minutes you need to pick up your child from school a little early, which is five minutes more of quality time.
Who cares if she trashes your stuff, it’s just stuff. It’s just stuff. What you get to keep is the freedom of not being attached to the stuff and that toxic partner, is exactly that – freedom.
Taking back control of your own life from fear is freedom and asking yourself who is really in charge of you. That’s the real question. Who is the boss of you?